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AH Men

Wednesday Evenings
Start Time
7 pm

Zoom Online Meeting

Meeting ID: 898 8564 4833
Meeting Password: 023621


Do you ever wonder how Men’s Ministry is different from other types of ministry in the church? Many believe that all ministries, when done in service for the Lord, are all the same regardless of the gender, age, or race of the individual serving. However, we believe each Ministry is unique. Men’s ministry can and will teach men how to stay sexually pure.

We believe a healthy Men’s Ministry will actively pursue the hearts of men in order to connect them to God, His Word, and to other men for the purpose of winning, growing, and training God’s men in Christ to every good work.

We know one thing for sure — God will use the heart and life of anyone who chooses to be available to the Lord. The Bible says, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” This is the great commission spoken by Jesus Himself. In other words, Jesus Christ is commissioning His followers to go into the entire world and reproduce believers.

Men’s ministry should enable a man to better understand his calling in life and how to achieve it. It will challenge a man to grow deeper in understanding, emotional connection, and spiritual insight.